HR Form of the Week: Educational Expense Agreement

Each week, we will feature a different document from our forms library and provide information about where to find it, what it’s used for, and any necessary instructions. With this program, you’ll always be one step ahead of the game when it comes to finding the forms you need.

This week, the HR Form of the Week is an Educational Expense Agreement.

For clients with access to the Forms Library, you can locate the document as follows:

An educational expense agreement is also known as a tuition reimbursement. It is a written agreement between employers and employees that lays out the terms and conditions of an employee’s educational benefits and responsibilities. It sets the company’s regulations regarding the types of courses for which it is willing to pay, the maximum amount to be reimbursed per semester or year, and other relevant details.

By engaging in this agreement, employees agree to pay back the costs of their educational courses if they fail to meet the requirements that the company has set. Such an agreement is essential for employers as it prevents employees from taking advantage of the program and protects the company from any potential legal issues.

We hope you find this information valuable and that it helps to make your HR experience easier and more efficient. 

How to download the HR Form of the Week: 

  1. Click the “Educational Expense Agreement” button
  2. Click “File”
  3. Click “Download”

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